Laser Treatment Services

Laser Treatment Services


The Fotona laser can be used to treat the appearance of visible blood vessels that can appear as a symptom of rosacea. Rosacea is a common but often misunderstood condition that is estimated to affect over 45 million people worldwide. Multiple treatments maybe required to calm and balance the skin.

Stretch Marks / Scar Revision

Wound healing, pregnancy, sudden growth or weight gain can cause damage to the dermis breaking down the collagen in the tissue. Available scar revision therapies depend on the type of scar and range from topical creams for mild scarring to laser treatments as an effective method that improves skin texture and pigment. Post treatment products required. More than one treatment may be necessary.

Leg Vein Treatment / Facial Telangiectasia

Small veins and spider veins can be treated with laser applied from the surface of the skin. This procedure is generally less invasive than sclerotherapy and vein stripping. It is known to be less painful with a faster recovery time. Multiple treatments may be necessary scheduled six (6) weeks apart. You are in control of the time and cost of treatment. For Leg treatments: Medium weight compression hose MUST be brought with you to the appointment (or purchased) or the service will need to be rescheduled. Consultations required prior to treatment. Additional treatment may be necessary. Limited restrictions post treatment for legs.

Fotona Tightsculpting

Fotona Tightsculpting is a unique dual-wave non-invasive laser treatment for sculpting and skin tightening in all body areas. The exclusive delivery modes are used in concert for hypertermic adipocyte destruction and collagen remodeling with exceptional results. The procedure is fast, sage and an effective non-invasive alternate to laser lipolysis with NO downtime. The effects result in an overall improvement of laxity and elasticity in the treatment areas. For additional information and pricing please contact our Laser Department to schedule an appointment.


Finally a treatment to stop embarrassing Nail Fungus! Fontona Laser! Consultation Required.

4D Facial

Fontona4D is a series of synergistic, non-invasive laser treatments of both the exterior facial and interior oral cavity, enabling full thickness contraction of collagen for persistent tightening and columization without injectables. With two laser wavelengths (Er:YAG and Nd:YAG) and 4 treatment modes, anit-aging is comprehensively approached from 4 different levels, working on deeper, medial and superficial connective structures of the skin, as well as targeting imperfections. (Series of 3, scheduled 14-21 days between treatments).

Minimal to NO Downtime. Consultation Required. For additional information and pricing please contact our Laser and Skin Care Department for an appointment.

Micro Peel

Fractional laser peel is ideal for patients with little to no down time. This procedure is tailored to your skins needs. Good for wrinkles, scares, keratosis, pigmentation and overall sun damage.

Minimal to NO Downtime. Consultation Required. For additional information and pricing please contact our Laser and Skin Care Department for an appointment.

TwinLight Fractional Rejuvenation

Non ablative resurfacing / Ablative resurfacing

Skin resurfacing and rejuvenation can be performed either in ablative modes or non-ablatively, depending on the particular aesthetic outcome that the patient and practitioner wish to achieve. In addition, ablative and non-ablative treatments can also be combined into a comprehensive anti-aging treatment such as Fotona’s TwinLight Fractional Rejuvenation system. The laser light precisely targets imperfections in the skin, leaving the surrounding healthy sin untouched. The heat from the laser energy also stimulates the production of new collagen in the dermis, and the surrounding, untreated skin helps to speed the rejuvenation process.